Thank you Gareth for a well written piece of journalism. Such a sad story - so many neglect stories feature Liverpool with the proliferation of religious homes for unmarried mothers and their babies. The care system was a misnomer. His story deserved to be told - so many failures of the system. Have lives improved ? I would like to hope so.

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Absolutely heartbreaking

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May 18Liked by Abi Whistance

I am writing this through tears, as 'George's' story sounds so similar to the life story of one of the first friend's I made when I moved to Liverpool 3 years ago.

I'll refer to him as 'T'.

'T'' is a beautiful soul who was badly failed by the statutory services as a child in need, and ended up addicted to drugs and in and out of prison.

When we met he was living in what should have been supported accommodation provided by The Big Help which is thankfully now under investigation as exposed by the fantastic journalism of Abi Whistance and The Post : https://www.livpost.co.uk/p/breaking-major-liverpool-charity.


The Big Help not only failed 'T' but worse still re-traumatized him to the extent where he relapsed after several years of abstinence, and started using class a drugs again.

The last time I saw him broke my heart to see how thin and gaunt he looked. He was meant to come to my home for tea that day last summer...I haven't seen or heard from him since.

But I think about 'T' all the time and I pray that he is still with us and if not that he has finally found peace. 💔

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May 18Liked by Abi Whistance

Incredible journalism. A story that needs to be told. I wonder how many other women experienced similar at the hands of the courts and social services, and what prejudices endure today that influence their decision making?

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May 18Liked by Abi Whistance

Heartbroken for George and his mum. What strength she has. More power to you Judi. The legacy and damage of the injustice has to be recognised. It was wrong wrong wrong at the time, exposing the barbarism of those in decision making powers and the shame of this nation. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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May 18Liked by Abi Whistance

Amazing story of Judy and her son George, which I hope will make people realise what single mothers went through simply because of bigoted ideas that had gone on for many years.

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My father took me from my mother and took me to different countries to keep me away from her. But then, as he tried to do his own thing, he'd cheerfully leave me with informal fosters here, there, and everywhere.

At no point did any school or social services take an interest until I was dumped yet again with my grandmother after my father's second marriage violently failed. At that point she had the smart idea of taking guardianship of me and I honestly think the stability she game me saved me.

70's social services were seriously underfunded (and with funding cuts it's happening again) and institutions were biased and overly led by middle class people who might have been well meaning but had zero concept of life at the hard end. They revealed their biases and in George Morris's case they caused so much damage.

An apology is a good idea. A bit of support for Judi today, to help her deal with this loss, is a good idea. I hope she gets some peace.

And for anyone on the tory side of life... read these stories and understand why spending money on social services can dramatically reduce crime. George got something from gang membership that he didn't get from family or society.

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Oh my word my tears are falling for Judi, George and every child that’s been affected by this situation. A heartfelt and well written piece. Thank you Gareth for sharing. I wonder if all those responsible ever think about what they did, the authorities, the lawyers, judges, and ultimately his father and those evil foster parents. Once damage is done to a child it’s very hard to repair and what a terrible consequence for George because of his father’s spiteful actions. How strong a person Judi is to have carried on and fought for her son back and is still fighting for others. Even though she has now lost him you can feel the love she had for him despite the man he sadly became.

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What a Heart-rending story. Can only echo what's been said on here. Unfortunately, stories like these are very often dismissed by "the Mainstream Media" as it would often mean having to point the finger at some of those instituions which they see as the answer to all of Britains ills. More power to poeople like Judi

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