Liverpool and Starmer's Labour don't even have the same idea of what a bed is, let alone share one. I haven't voted Labour for years, but if I had been even slightly on the fence Starmer's declaration that he would talk to, and even write for, The S*n would have been the last straw. He wants to reach as many people as possible, but is happy to risk alienating an entire city?! I have no words...

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It's ancient history, get over it. He's doing his job.

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Terence Davies made some deeply moving films. They showed Liverpool in the past but they transcended time and place. So sorry he's gone.

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Firstly my calculation mistake it is 14 Palestinian deaths for one Israeli

How kind of Netanyahu to warm Gazan citizens to move out of an area to be blitzed by the Likudwaffe During WW2 the traitor Lord Haw Haw warned certain cities were to be visited by the Luftwaffe, so was that an act of kindness too?

I noticed you used the word "wokery" So you have no respect for anyone who chooses or has no choice but to be different

For example in schools the anti wokes want to return to the days of P bashing, Q bashing or even J bashing . The good old days when dyslexics were considered stupid and lazy and ADHD sufferers just naughty and in need of a smack bottom Anti-wokism is return to the bullying and ignorance

Ergo I am Woke and Proud and I rest my case

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How dare you call me an anti semite I have no hatred of Jewish people whatsoever. You seem to hate Palestinian Arabs who have not landed from outer space. They were there first And Palestinian Arabs are a SEMITIC people. Semitic is a geographical term not a religious one

Netanyahu is being propped up by the far right who in some cases want to rid Israel of anyone who isn't Jewish. On BBC Question Time an audience member pointed out over a decade 5000 Palestinian s have died compared to 350 Israelis. 12 to 1 . One death is bad enough Palestinian babies die, Palestinian mother's weep.

And now the Likudwaffe are destroying hospitals, schools , homes in a manner resembling the Nazis, starving the hungry, depriving of water. This is collective punishment by IDF state terrorists Just like the Nazis did when they wiped out the village of Lidice.in Czechia during WW2 .

And again is a Palestinian baby a terrorist? Is that Liverpool based surgeon visiting his family also a terrorist!? Don't Palestinians also have a right to life!?

Even enlightened Jewish people see the harm Netanyahu is doing to Israel.- in the summer there were protests against Netanyahu by Israelis against his hard right Coalition..

Again you see it as a crime to be left wing . Well you can tell your friend Braverman she won't make us illegal. The British far right wing keep shouting about free speech and that should be also for pro Palestine supporters. And I condemn any attacks on British based Jewish people who have every right to feel safe. So let's have no more of thie santi Semitism allegations.

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Steve Rotherham has long promised to integrate bus and rail travel. Maybe he could start with the ludicrous situation of just one bus, the 10a, stopping outside Lime Street Station. Passengers on all the other buses have to get off at either Pembroke Place or Queens Square.

I tackled him on it six months ago and he said there wasn't enough space as almost the whole layby, between the station and The Empire, is reserved for coaches. I've only ever seen a couple of coaches and these park right outside the theatre and then move off.

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Starmer left out "but the people of Liverpool will never read it"

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The Sun is available on the app wherever you live. I will not be told what I cannot read!

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While Steve was planning to bring the region's bus services under public control, his party's shadow defence secretary and Foreign secretary. Healey and Lammy, were busy collecting air miles by going to Washington to submit their plan to hand over the control of Starmer's New Labour 2.0 to Washington and the Pentagon and even jointly wrote a piece in The Telegraph announcing their total subordination to the US-led NATO and insisted that they have 'exorcised the anti-war posture of Corbyn'. Above all, we must not forget, by getting the country involved in other people's war is the most credible excuse any government could use to renege on all the promises they had made to the voters during election campaigns. It seems, the matter of our buses in public hands will mean very little compared to what people's hands the country itself is going into.

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FAO: Post Editor & staff.

Fact & Fiction. I've been suggesting to Metro Mayor Steve R for several YEARS now that our bus service should be brought back "in house" as in the days of MPTE. Both Arriva & Stagecoach have been out to make profits and line pockets, with Passenger Transport a looong way down their priority lists. This is ONE of the points made in the plotline of my latest Novel, "Home Rules".

Another Novel (as yet UNpublished) sees a "mention in despatches" for Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. I hadn't imagined a "Pandemic Institute" while I was writing it ..........!

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What exactly are we to make of Marr's characterisation? Are we supposed to feel our sense of individuality flattered? Or was it an inadvertent confession from a quasi-representative of the British state of what we already knew: We aren't viewed as "English" and anyone coming here looking for a sensible proposition must be odd?

As for Sir Starmer's "Liverpool, we will not forget you"... Well. That would be a first, it it turned out to be true.

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1, Steve who?

2, zero emissions, net zero these false, greenwashing statements should be banned completely.

3, Keith Starmerrhoid, Liverpool loves to hate with an excess of passion which leads me to

4, I hope nobody was out celebrating Hamas atrocities over the weekend. Such scumbags should be shot on sight. I daresay they were having a love-in with the despicable Corbyn though.

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Firstly Palestinians have been on the rough end o Israel Defence Force brutality for 75 years.

Don't worry Carl the IDF heed your advice regularly It seems to be acceptable for Palestinians of all ages of one day old or more to be killed with impunity, have their land stolen, their property destroyed by the Israel apartheid state with American backing . Many Jewish people recognise the wrongs being committed by the IDF but are howled down and labelled "woke".

Finally Jeremy Corbyn was a leader of great integrity howled down by the right wing press .Not a Blarite apologist like IKEA Steamer!

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Firstly, Arab states have sought from day one to eradicate Israel & its people. Is it any wonder Israeli governments take such a hard line or have territory beyond it's original borders? The plight of Palestinians is more than anything down to Palestinians leadership, or lack of. Arafat even became conciliatory but now Iranian-backed fundamentalist terrorists aka Hamas rules the roost. I believe Israel had started allowing 20k Palestinians into Israel for work, and scales down border protection because they thought things had calmed down, how they have rued those decisions.

Most of us can see clearly that Israel is not an apartheid state but had moved to the right, Orthodox Jews are as vile as any other rascist, but Israelis vote for who they want.

You are clearly an extreme leftie spouting all the usual nonsense. Why is the situation in Israel the only issue that really gets you lefties wound up? You don't protest so much about atrocities /human rights abuses elsewhere, truly anti-semitic perchance.

Ooh Jeremy Corbyn. What a truly horrible person. Collaborates with despotic regimes & terrorists of all stripes, just look at events in Iran yet that specimen has been happy to appear on Iranian tv. He wasn't howled down by the right wing press, we could all see through him. He's a typical example of leftie idiots that proliferated in the 70's & 80's. JC, & those who support him really should take a good long look at their moral values, sense of humanity & justice. Appalling people, still tied to Soviet anti-imperialist nonsensical ideology. People like you enable the sacrifice of Palestinians by Hamas. Shameful.

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It is perfectly legal to hold left wing. view As for Palestinians working in Israel, black South Africans worked in the apartheid state of South Africa. Too many Israel apologists turn a blind eye to the atrocities carried out my the Israel Defence Force. Israel was founded by terrorists (The Stern Gang) who killed British servicemen in Palestine. My làte father was there doing National Service so he knew the fear and lost friends

The reaction of Netanyahu is a continuation of the bully Ariel Sharon

In Nazi Germany a senior Nazi was assassinated (Reinhard Heydrich) .Hitler ordered the destruction of a Czech village of Lidice, blowing up all the buildings and murdering all the citizens This is exactly what Netanyahu has done in Gaza.

One of the "terrorists* in Gaza is a Royal Liverpool Hospital surgeon staying with relatives

Israel is guilty of war crimes but where's the policeman?

I am well informed of injustices around the world, Saudi Arabia Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Myanmar and pre 994 South Africa..

There are two conflicting sides to Israel (1). Those who want to expel, and/or even murder the Arab population and (2) those who tolerate Arabs on a token basis and use them as a kind of human shield to deter other Arab states from attacking Israel

Palestine is the historic home of both Arab and Jewish (and Christian) faiths Israel was not a terra nul and they had every right to live there without walls being built around them and their land stolen

Perhaps Hama's exists because of Israel's brutality .and arrogance. There are no heroes in this situation.

The ideal would be for Arab and Jewish people to exist peacefully but the Palestinian s are angry because no one in the West mourns the loss of Arab lives. Many enlightened Jewish Israel's can see the injustices done. One remembers the late Felicia Langer who drew attention to Israel war crimes. Many Israelis despise Netanyahu and protested against the ruling far right wing parties .

I make no apology for supporting Jeremy Corbyn although he should have answered accusations of anti Semitism.and not try to evade them. What's your choice? A Blair copy like Starmer who is betraying every principle that Labour is supposed to stand for.

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I understand why your father would have antipathy towards Israel/Jews but you seem to have inherited that & amplified it into full-on hatred or dare I say it, anti-semitism.

The creation of Israel was in progress before the Stern gang etc took action.

Your comparisons with the Nazis (??) are wrong. The IDF give warnings to indicate which buildings are about to be hit, also making announcements so civilians can evacuate areas beforehand. They are not deliberately targeting civillans, so no war crimes. Civilians are being killed because Hamas uses those civilian buildings as bases, refusing to let residents leave, ie human shield which is a war crime.

Hamas has also used the practice of ethnic cleansing against Bedouin arabs.

As for land, yes too much was ceded to Israel in the original plans for partion but invasions by neighbouring Arab countries only hardened Israeli resolve to defend itself and gave it the opportunity to claim land seized by the Syrian, Egyptian and Jordanian forces but has continued settlement of the West Bank has rightly been condemned.

The Israelis themselves, I can't imagine them as being too nice generally bought they've millenia of hatred to back that up and Judaism is not a nice religion. As one of 3 religious cults from that region believing in the same god it's the second worst in terms of belief system, way way behind Islam but third worst when it comes to destructive impact. Islam again romps this category in terms of death and hatred with Christianity leapfrogging Judaism comfortably.

But every religious cult has its extremists and the Jews are no different, theirs really arent nice people (why some of them are allowed in this country is beyond me) but they aren't trying takeover the world with the options, join us or die. Which is what Hamas are doing.

So celebrating Hamas atrocities in Israel is promoting genocide of all non-muslims.

Many more will die in the coming weeks, and that will be down to Hamas, Iran and all the misguided pro-Palestine flag waving anti-semites protesting in our cities.

Hopefully the time will soon come for Israelis to dispose of Netanyahu for his failures & he can be convicted of the crimes he has been dodging. Then we can all live happily ever after and the lefties can find some other foreign trojan horse to be conned by.

Talking of lefties. I don't have any choice with regard to Starmer as my local MP is the Lesser-Spotted Eagle who will undoubtedly keep her cushy seat, although she is probably due to have the stuffing renewed. Due to the British electoral system my vote doesn't count. Starmer is an embarrassing example of how messed up this country has become due to the importation of American wokery & nonsense. How anyone could vote for someone who takes the knee because of events in the USA and has a massive lack of knowledge regards male & female biology, beats me for sure.

PS, whoever the surgeon is in Gaza, I doubt anyone called him a terrorist.

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