Fascinating piece. All the more remarkable for it being a two bottle of wine interview. My dad was on the rigs in the 80s. Absolutely hated it. He never talks about it. Can’t wait to read this.
Thanks David! Really glad you enjoyed it. And that's interesting about your dad — though after reading that book, I think I get it! A lot of the stuff Tabitha describes the rig workers having to go through in Sea State sounds incredibly hard, both physically and psychically. Would be interested to hear what you think of the book!
Fascinating piece. All the more remarkable for it being a two bottle of wine interview. My dad was on the rigs in the 80s. Absolutely hated it. He never talks about it. Can’t wait to read this.
Thanks David! Really glad you enjoyed it. And that's interesting about your dad — though after reading that book, I think I get it! A lot of the stuff Tabitha describes the rig workers having to go through in Sea State sounds incredibly hard, both physically and psychically. Would be interested to hear what you think of the book!
Lovely piece but definitely talking plop about needing a car to get round the oblong of dreams.
Haha, thanks! (on the lovely piece) Interesting about the car-culture thing not being true, or at least, not for everyone.
"I was jangly with nerves on meeting her at Hamilton Street Station." Square?
Kevin...I stand corrected! Thanks for noticing, will tweak now.