Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

I would be more interested to read an investigation into "the MMA scene", in particular looking at some rather unpleasant connections that seem to abound, both here and in Ireland. Let's just say that I reject any suggestion that it in any way reflects the majority of this city, and any promotion of the "sport" is more fitting for the pages of the Echo...

Will I be heading east down the M62 to visit George Osborne's building in search of an art venue? No. But I suspect they are already on their way west to appropriate our assets and funding to pay for it/keep it open.

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As the recent (last year) pop up bike route scheme in Southport showed, everyone loves the idea but the reality can be very unpopular for motorists and cyclists alike. Sefton suspended the scheme, I understand, quite rapidly. This seems largely because the implementation is poor and no one wins. It makes a lovely green sounding flagship policy which ticks boxes for boroughs, but it can end up as a bit of green-washing. To address public health, environmental degradation and climate change is going to take a lot more than the mayor and his bike tsar Simon O Brien sounding optimistic about trying to build a few bike lanes. Sorry to sound cynical because I love going out on my bike!

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The proposal of a Citywide Cycle track would be good except for two reasons: 1) it will most likely go no further North into the City than Byrom St or Vauxhall Rd, and 2) what the hell's the use? Nobody ever seems to use them anyway, they all seem to think that the pavements are one massive cylce lane running right throughout the City, it''s almost like when you do actually see somebody riding a bike on the Actual road, you genuinely think to yourself, "must be some kind of novice who's only just decided to take up riding a bike." Ask anybody who's ever walked down Bold St or along Church St without having to dodge either some deliveroo or other food courier, or just somebody who seems to think "Car Free Streets" are exclusively for thier benefit

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Before extra cycling schemes are proposed a major improvement to the bus network is needed restoring evening and Sunday links lost courtesy of Cllr Liam Robinson. Active travel should be an OPTIONAL EXTRA and not a cheapskate greenwash excuse for removing buses which Merseynontravel has inflicted on the stranded in the last decade.

The return of night buses is essential for a supposedly night time economy Arriva isn't interested and Stagecoach runs night buses in Manchester but not Liverpool Inebriated Liverpool people are no more anti social than Mancunians, Glaswegians etc. I have pointed out previously that even the ISLE OF MAN has three weekend night buses to Port Erin (N1), Ramsey (N3)and Peel (N5) from Douglas. The IOM resident population is a FIFTH of Liverpool yet due to operator apathy and vindictiveness Liverpool loses out. Arriva has failed the bus user in Liverpool we need Go Ahead or municipal takeover . Forget small operators they can't pay their staff or retain them.If Cllr Rotherham reneges on bus regulation or gives in to the Clarksonite "Just Stop Clean Air" rabble my 2nd pref mayoral Labour vote is lost

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Around 70% support the cycle lane - where on earth are those stats from? Yet again no use to the north or centre districts but hardly a surprise... "The potential to make cycling an easier option for tens of thousands of people" - what absolute pish!

I also applaud and agree with the comment about MMA!

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Isn’t the difference between 83.1 and 71.6 11.5?

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