Jul 16, 2022Liked by Sophie Atkinson, Jack Walton

Great article, and I wish everyone involved with the project every success. HOWEVER (and there always has to be one of those somewhere along the line) They are going to have kick a few 12th night characters (DYSWIDT)* if they are going to rely on patrons from outisde Knowsley or those who don't own a car. My wife had to go to Prescott earlier in the week for a job interview, and she said that while the theatre is very impressive, and she's looking forward to seeing a few plays away from Stratford, Knowsley Council, Mersytravel, Northern Rail and Liverpool City Region will need to get together and up their game, because public transport serving the area at the moment, is probably even worse than back in the Bard's time! There is only ONE train an hour which serves Prescott. So while, they quite rightly congratulate themselves on the achievement of opening the Theatre, unless they do something to attract people from outside the immediate Prescott/Widnes/Halewood region, it is doomed to be nothing more than an elaborate,very expensive Community Project. But like I said, I do wish it well and hope it's a success

*(Did You See What I Did There), I actually had to watch & stp & think as I was typing those letters out :-D

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A great point (and a great Shakespeare reference). When I visited I had a changeover and had to wait for what seemed like forever between trains. You're right, it'll put people off if it's a massive faff to get there in the first place. Thanks for reading Baz.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

"High church and Home Bargains side by side." You may not have been the most diligent A level literature student, Jack, but you can certainly turn a good phrase.

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Haha, thankyou very much David!

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

A good article but I have to take a little umbrage at the idea that the Playhouse alone is the major force of regeneration in Prescot. For the last 7 years there has been an ongoing investment in restoration of traditional shops and buildings to create new retail and residential opportunities as part of the Townscape Heritage Initiative. Knowsley Council to their credit have been acutely aware of how Prescot needed to build up its supporting economy before the theatre opens.


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Hey, thanks for reading! That’s an interesting read, especially on the work done with historic and beautiful buildings, definitely seems like an angle I could’ve dug a little deeper into.

The council do seem to come away with a lot of credit, both in backing something so ambitious but also in having the foresight to lay the groundwork around it, as you note. Hopefully it can really accelerate now SN is open.

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Just subscribed and searched to see what coverage the theatre had received. It's been an absolute joy to attend the plays. I look for the 'pay what you decide' tickets and for under £20 a family of 4 can give something new a try. My 12yo son who is usually glued to his Xbox has thoroughly enjoyed or experimentation with theatre - we saw Strange Tale and A Christmas Carol twice (at his request) and we were there for Comedy of Errors this weekend and he asked if I'd booked for Macbeth in Sept (of course I have, son!). It's made theatre accessible and taken any fear-factor out of Shakespeare for the kids (and husband saw first Shakespeare last year too, and loved it).

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

Brilliant piece. I will definitely be visiting!

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Many thanks Frankie I hope you like it!

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

Liverpool, London, Bath, Stratford, Dumfries, the list is endless. I have been drawn to many places throughout the UK to visit and learn about their cultural heritage. My visits support their local economies (hotels, restaurants, shopping, entertainment, museums even petrol stations!) and for me, the best part about Shakespeare North is that it is at the top of my road, in my own, fabulous little town. If the new theatre space brings an injection of wealth, visitors and culture, to the local economy along with entertainment and fun, bring it on! Anyone got a blue plaque handy?

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Absolutely - you must be delighted with having it so close! Thankyou for reading Karen :)

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

Thank you for an informative and chirpy article. I'm going to Shakespeare North to see a performance of "Kitty, Queen of the Wash House" next week. I look forward to having a good old mooch about the theatre and the town.

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Thanks Anna. There are at least a few really nice cafes, bars and resturants on Eccleston Street and some lovely historic buildings dotted around Prescot too. Have a great time!

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

There is absolutely no evidence that Shakespeare ever visited Prescot despite desperate searches through the records of Knowsley Hall.

That cash strapped local authorities, in some of the country's most deprived areas, can find £ms to support this ego project beggars belief.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Author

Yes, I would have to agree that the links are tenuous Bill. In fairness to those involved, they did seem to spend a lot of time researching the history in order to at least create the appearnce of a strong link!

And yes, it's extemely expensive. If the theatre can bring enough business to the town/borough (as it has begun to) then perhaps it'll seem like a sound investment in the long run but that's a risk for sure. It is nice to have culturally significant sites in a range of places though, instead of all being clustered in city centres.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

I agree and I do hope it's a success but fear it could end up as a very expensive community centre.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Jack Walton

I’m happy to believe the man himself trod those streets !! What a beautiful addition to the town. A great read.

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Why let the truth get in the way of a good local myth! It certainly is beautiful.

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