Great article and as you say, it’s unlikely we will ever know for certain who was responsible. As a slight deviation, Half Man Half Biscuit’s own record label is called RM Qualtrough records.
Excellent peace on a mystery that will never be solved. I’m the same you think he must be guilty then go back over the evidence and think, no he couldn’t have done it. We’ll never know. But very enjoyable story. Nice start to a lazy Sunday.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article,Leo. As a young child ( I’m now 64!) my father used to tell this story to my brother and I , dwelling often on the facts of Wallace “creating” his alibi by speaking to so many people about Menlove Gardens East. Your article has brought back both my childhood and my Dad…..Thank you!
The Man from the Pru stars Jonathan Pryce and the courtroom scenes were filmed in St George's Hall.
Rob was prodigious - also working on Hollyoaks and Coronation Street. He was part of the great bunch of Liverpool creative activists responsible for The Post's naughty grandad the Liverpool Free Press (which you can read about on here somewhere).
Excellent article. I remember many years ago, going on an organised walk through Anfield Cemetary guided by one of the Park Rangers (shows you how far back we're talking), we were shown various graves throughout the Cemetary, some well known (Norman - Michael Holliday - Milne) one or two whose names may have ben familliar, and a few who were notorious (James Maybrick) and of course Mr William Wallace. We were informed by the Park Ranger, of the cloak & dagger arrangements for Wallce's actual funeral (more like a very simple burial). Nobody, apart from the Police, Undertakers & Grave diggers were informed, the Hearse, was brought in to the Cemetary Via the Cherry Lane entrance, which runs under the Railway line, rather than the main entrance on Walton Lane. The grave was immediately filled in, and left unmarked for some time, in order to deter "sight seers". As to the identity of the murderer, it seems we are never to know. As much as all the evidence points to Wallace, it equally points to his innocence. A case that's worthy of a dramatisation (or reshowing, since it was (dramatised on BBC a good few years back)
Great article and as you say, it’s unlikely we will ever know for certain who was responsible. As a slight deviation, Half Man Half Biscuit’s own record label is called RM Qualtrough records.
Excellent peace on a mystery that will never be solved. I’m the same you think he must be guilty then go back over the evidence and think, no he couldn’t have done it. We’ll never know. But very enjoyable story. Nice start to a lazy Sunday.
great artical my dad told me of this as back in the early 90s we were working on my aunties house in wolverton street
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article,Leo. As a young child ( I’m now 64!) my father used to tell this story to my brother and I , dwelling often on the facts of Wallace “creating” his alibi by speaking to so many people about Menlove Gardens East. Your article has brought back both my childhood and my Dad…..Thank you!
Terrific story; terrific article, and that picture of RC at the London party tells a thousand words! Thank you for elevating my Sunday.
And don't forget the wonderful related film made (in 1990) in Liverpool by the late Rob Rohrer.
The Man from the Pru stars Jonathan Pryce and the courtroom scenes were filmed in St George's Hall.
Rob was prodigious - also working on Hollyoaks and Coronation Street. He was part of the great bunch of Liverpool creative activists responsible for The Post's naughty grandad the Liverpool Free Press (which you can read about on here somewhere).
Excellent article. I remember many years ago, going on an organised walk through Anfield Cemetary guided by one of the Park Rangers (shows you how far back we're talking), we were shown various graves throughout the Cemetary, some well known (Norman - Michael Holliday - Milne) one or two whose names may have ben familliar, and a few who were notorious (James Maybrick) and of course Mr William Wallace. We were informed by the Park Ranger, of the cloak & dagger arrangements for Wallce's actual funeral (more like a very simple burial). Nobody, apart from the Police, Undertakers & Grave diggers were informed, the Hearse, was brought in to the Cemetary Via the Cherry Lane entrance, which runs under the Railway line, rather than the main entrance on Walton Lane. The grave was immediately filled in, and left unmarked for some time, in order to deter "sight seers". As to the identity of the murderer, it seems we are never to know. As much as all the evidence points to Wallace, it equally points to his innocence. A case that's worthy of a dramatisation (or reshowing, since it was (dramatised on BBC a good few years back)
I’ve never heard of this case before today…intriguing! He must have done it…mustn’t he?? 🤔🙈
Brilliant article