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Well done all! Proper journalism for Liverpool. That's what we're all supporting. Keep up the good work!

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As someone who spent years in local and regional newspapers, I count myself as one of your biggest fans. You are re-inventing the business week by week – keeping us informed, upholding standards and providing a direct contrast to the clickbait world. Thank you so much.

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Keep up the true journalism ethic - i was an early subscriber - very happy with your output. Good luck in the future

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Well deserved nomination. Your investigative journalism is top notch 👏

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The Post is a breath of fresh air when it comes to investigative journalism, shedding light on areas previously shaded from any media attention. It also gives a fair account of whats happening (or isn't) entertainment and cultural wise. And history of Merseyside in all its glory and sometimes shame.

I think many modern journalists have honed skills on social media, learning more about click and bait than actual journalism. Even worse, journalists often lean towards repeating whatever soundbites are cast down from above.

Iraq War and its 'weapons of mass destruction' is just one example of how the media can make wars, no matter how unjust, seem like necessary even if started on a pack of lies.

We no longer have the tradition of a free press being supported so much. But we still have some philanthropy and those who can try to support local press as it embraces the digital side of reporting more than putting out newspapers.

It would be nice to see a one off publication in paper - if someone could fund it.

I don't always agree with some of the issues solutions - but any quality newspaper has that dynamic. Being people we are all different and if stuck in a lift would find common ground as well as differences.

Either way as we hurtle towards a new era, I will be happy to support The Post and wish all the best to everyone involved here and those who contribute.

Without the checks and balances of a watchdog media - the politicians go rogue with nobody to call them to account. We continue to create a backwards society in which wealth trickles upwards and laws are created, not to prevent crime but to enable it.

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Richly deserved nomination - I hope you get the prize!

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It costs less per month than what you pay for a pint in some pubs so come on you ‘free readers’ join us.

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Big congratulations- well deserved!

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Well done

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I love The Post!

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