A brilliant read this morning nursing a slight hangover! I’m now 75 but so many memories of The Crack on New Year’s Day hair of the dog after the party on Gambia Terrace, decadent parties at the School of architecture in Abercrombie square, always meeting up with friends and colleagues at Paddy’s Everyman and still love seeing the party goers on Hardiman street scantily dressed in mid winter as we go home from the Phil . We maybe in the later years of life but oh still there in spirit. Forever young ( Dylan). Thank you for the memories.
This article on Liverpool Woman gave me a lump in the throat. I was transported to the sights, tastes and smells of Streets/ Kirkland and audacious women! Thank you for taking me back to my misspent youth Melissa. Such evocative writing. Brilliant 👏 x
Great stuff Melissa. As one of the ragged crowd in O’Connors (just over the road from Streets), I aspired to the arty set without the wherewithal- so met many a Liverpool girl and am still in love with them now.
As is Ian McNabb, who got it in the best line…. ‘The laughter from her golden throat can be heard by the Irish boat’…
Love this piece, Melissa. Remember you, Victoria & your parents so well before you moved to Wales - always so glam - and the rocking horse in your front room.
Bloody marvellous read and the epitome of wise lifestyle advice. I’m 67 and never will go quietly. Until I do of course, but until then I’ll keep on living. Loudly ❤️🎉
Brilliant piece Melissa, took me right back to my late teenage years. I frequented Streets and Kirkland thinking I was a grown up. Little did I know even now at the age of 62 I still like that teenager inside but obs don’t look it. Thank you for sharing a snapshot of your of your life. X
So much of this resonates with me. As a woman in her 50's, I'm also still trying to work out what being 'grown up' really means. But now that I've embraced cronehood, I've realised it doesn't matter all that much. I've seen my share of Lily's over the years, many of them members of my husband's family - but not my own as neither of my parents were born in Liverpool. Despite this unfortunate fact, Liverpool is a part of my DNA, and I have the spirit of grit and determination to prove it. No wigs, though...
My mum taught your sister I think or possibly you at Sudley Primary. You were a school year above me. We had a few of what would now be called ‘play dates’ (ugh!!) when we were around 7 …. Then you went to Wales.
I just remember thinking how glam your mum was with floaty clothes and lots of bracelets!
Adore this
Cheers, Abi! Mx
Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. A beautiful and deeply personal paean.
Wow, thank you Conleth! Mx
A brilliant read this morning nursing a slight hangover! I’m now 75 but so many memories of The Crack on New Year’s Day hair of the dog after the party on Gambia Terrace, decadent parties at the School of architecture in Abercrombie square, always meeting up with friends and colleagues at Paddy’s Everyman and still love seeing the party goers on Hardiman street scantily dressed in mid winter as we go home from the Phil . We maybe in the later years of life but oh still there in spirit. Forever young ( Dylan). Thank you for the memories.
Thank you Bea - lovely memories from your end, too! Forever young indeed - let's keep it up! Mx
This article on Liverpool Woman gave me a lump in the throat. I was transported to the sights, tastes and smells of Streets/ Kirkland and audacious women! Thank you for taking me back to my misspent youth Melissa. Such evocative writing. Brilliant 👏 x
Thank you so much, Stella! Mx
Great stuff Melissa. As one of the ragged crowd in O’Connors (just over the road from Streets), I aspired to the arty set without the wherewithal- so met many a Liverpool girl and am still in love with them now.
As is Ian McNabb, who got it in the best line…. ‘The laughter from her golden throat can be heard by the Irish boat’…
Yay, thank you Mick! Mx
Fabulous piece. So very true. Made me laugh and cry. Lily would have been proud
Thank you Jayne! Mx
Love this piece, Melissa. Remember you, Victoria & your parents so well before you moved to Wales - always so glam - and the rocking horse in your front room.
Glad to see you both looking the same!
Bests xx Krista
WOW, really??? Tell me more??? Mxx
Bloody marvellous read and the epitome of wise lifestyle advice. I’m 67 and never will go quietly. Until I do of course, but until then I’ll keep on living. Loudly ❤️🎉
Thank you Judith! And a message to both of us: you GO, girl!!!!! Mx
great read Melissa i grew up in Kenny in the 70s and 80s and town was our door step the place's mentioned were our locals BRILL .
Thank you Peter! Mx
Loved reading this, Melissa. More please!
Thank you Drew, much appreciated! Plenty more where that came from...... Mx
Wonderful stuff, Melissa. This octogenarian feels rejuvenated.
Thank you Stuart! Happy to have helped with the rejuvenation :) Mx
Brilliant piece Melissa, took me right back to my late teenage years. I frequented Streets and Kirkland thinking I was a grown up. Little did I know even now at the age of 62 I still like that teenager inside but obs don’t look it. Thank you for sharing a snapshot of your of your life. X
Thank you Carolyn! Mx
So much of this resonates with me. As a woman in her 50's, I'm also still trying to work out what being 'grown up' really means. But now that I've embraced cronehood, I've realised it doesn't matter all that much. I've seen my share of Lily's over the years, many of them members of my husband's family - but not my own as neither of my parents were born in Liverpool. Despite this unfortunate fact, Liverpool is a part of my DNA, and I have the spirit of grit and determination to prove it. No wigs, though...
My mum taught your sister I think or possibly you at Sudley Primary. You were a school year above me. We had a few of what would now be called ‘play dates’ (ugh!!) when we were around 7 …. Then you went to Wales.
I just remember thinking how glam your mum was with floaty clothes and lots of bracelets!
Wow! It's good to be "reunited" :) x
Lovely piece Melissa, brought back memeories of frequenting that area of town in the late 70's/80's.
Thank you! Wonderful memories. Great writing. Heart and soul.
Gosh, thank you Kevin - Mx