And this is why I love the Post. A very in depth and thought provoking piece. Thank you.

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So very interesting.

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Interesting also, that "False memory" allegations originated in the US

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Powerful Stuff! Seem to remember there was a similar outcry during the late 80's/early to mid 90's about the "So Called" Occult ring, up in the Orkneys or somewhere similar. Details are a bit hazy now, but I seem to remember many families were forcibly broken up due to allegations of child abuse. From what I can seem to remember, it caused a real shit storm, of shock horror and disbelief that something like this could take place unnoticed. I also seem to recall that many, many years later, near enough after it had long been consigned to the dustbin of a lot of people's memories and forgotten about, "a few" stories began to emerge that the whole thing was nothing like it was originally said to be and it was a mixture of over zealous action by Social Services, backed by authorities too willing to believe them or scared to doubt them, not helped by one or two "over excited" reports in the National press

Like I keep saying, my recollections are quite vague, because although I remember the reports in the media, I don't recall too much past the headlines

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