Thank you for this wonderful piece of journalism. I'd love to see a follow-up piece on how the green beach mopped up 1000s of tonnes of sand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF0B7TQduSA

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Glyphosate, or brand name Roundup, is used by Knowsley Council.

I complained last year and was told they reduced the use of this herbicide.

I've put in a FOI to get the figures for how many gallons/litres are used for the past 5 years.

This herbicide is sprayed on paths in local parks - water often pools so the poison is possibly being drank by birds and other wildlife. The council even spray this rubbish around the trunks of trees in Old Rough Park.

Some councils are making an effort to stop using pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.

Too many old councillors in Knowsley who have likely grown up thinking parks should be like sterile neat gardens, with no wildflowers, grass moved every two weeks and poisons used to make it look 'neat and tidy' in the eyes of idiots who have grown up knowing no better.

Young people need to rise up - nature is worth fighting for. IMO God created a paradise for us - a Garden of Eden - but humanity thinks spraying poisons can improve it.

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