More power to your keyboards. Thanks! You have been a tonic to jaded news palates. The standard of writing and the subjects for reporting make every edition valuable. I take every opportunity to urge new subscriptions.

And my top investigative tip for 2024? Please examine how EVERY council in Cheshire and Merseyside betrayed the founding values of the national health service by acceding to its destruction and replacement by forty-two local (yes, including Cheshire and Merseyside) so-called 'integrated care systems' which were modelled on their American equivalents.

For a quick background have a look at this video: https://www.facebook.com/ThePublicMatter/videos/

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Keep up the good work. The likes of the amazing investigative journalist Paul Foot would have been proud of you.

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The Big Three (more local etc)🌟🌟🌟

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Just to remind you that we don’t all listen to Radio 4. I moved to Radio 3 and Radio 4extra to cheer myself up, so, as well as missing In Our Time (hurrah), I missed anything they had to say about Eldonian Village. Yes, I rely on you for local news!

My daughter reads the online Echo because it makes her laugh so much. Congratulations on producing an intentionally-funny-only-when-required alternative!!

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Thanks Jack for all the work you put in on the Eldonian story and as you know it's still running especially with the graffiti issue again that Maureen woke up to and still to this day not a single paragraph in the echo regarding the Eldonian situation I think we both know the reason why thanks again mate and I have a feeling this year will be a good one for the people on the Eldonian Village Brian Jones

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So pleased to have found you! Really great to have some proper local news, I’m looking forward to next year’s articles.

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When Ilookto read of LOXAL news from my Home Town I don't expectto read reports about broken traffic lights in Hull, in column inches written and printed in Manchester ..... it's like BBC Breakfat News @ 8.30 a.m. announcing news "from where you are ..." telling me of TUBE delays and strikes on the Dover-Calais service or traffic jams on the North Circular Car Park ... the Ad-free Post tells me all I want to know of LOCAL events, many thanks, keep up the good work!

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small sulk: when I spot a 'typo' in my post and can't 'retrieve' the text and correct it!

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I subscribed in the early days of your adventure and have enjoyed every edition. I worked at the Echo for 20 years before I retired almost 15 years ago and sadly today’s Echo is a pale imitation of what it once was but thank goodness you’re here to keep up the traditions of excellent journalism. Well done.

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Let's hope The Post will be "Staying Alive" for many years to come.

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Well done the Post team. I’ve really enjoyed your articles, pieces, stories etc over the past year. I didn’t hesitate to subscribe after discovering you and finally realising just how bad the Echo had become. It’s sad decline can only bolster your rise and fingers crossed those subscribers become fully fledged paying members in 2024.

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In 2023 I finally gave up buying the Echo and subscribed to the Post. I think I made the right decision.

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You did Stevo. Thanks

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Proper local news - hurrah!

I’m looking forward to more articles about the Wirral, as that is my former stamping ground, and why I subscribe to The Post. (I also subscribe to The Post’s sister paper, The Tribune - also excellent!)

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It's been a good year for the Post, except for Mandela 8, which I think you got wrong. Otherwise, great stuff! Keep it going.

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