What a great and important article. Thanks for highlighting the work that the Whitechapel Centre does.

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Readers can donate here: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/TheWhitechapelCentre/donation.html

and if possible set up a monthly donation to help them budget for their support, like I have done for several years.

"GoFundMe recently named Liverpool the most generous city by donations per capita." - well done Liverpool !

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I’m in two minds about that Gofundme news, given the news about the burglary. We certainly have no reason to be complacent.

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Thanks for reporting this so promptly and encouraging support. What a horrible world our politicians have created on behalf of the 1% where organisations like this even have to exist. Our entire common weal has been broken into, trashed and stolen - not by a gang of scallies but by the friends and donors of Tories and Labour. Neo-liberal economics inevitably produces this unholy Christmas. Meanwhile a happy restful break to everyone at The Post. You are one of our few remaining public services.

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Thanks for the article . Very depressing that some stoop so low as to steal from a place that’s there to help others .

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Great and timely article, thanks.

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All the stolen items have been replaced in time for handing them out to the people who needed them for Christmas. Liverpool was not named the most generous city in the UK for nothing.

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