Referring to Labour councillors happy to raise taxes on struggling people as ‘moderates’ is something I’d expect from The Guardian. As long as you refer to one faction as ‘left wing’ then please be consistent & refer to the ‘moderates’ as right wing. Given their politics it seems accurate.
Being socialist, speaking at rallies and waving placards are all very worthwhile activities for a Labour politician. Being snide about your colleagues in the media under the cover of anonymity is Tory wool behaviour. Nick.
Referring to Labour councillors happy to raise taxes on struggling people as ‘moderates’ is something I’d expect from The Guardian. As long as you refer to one faction as ‘left wing’ then please be consistent & refer to the ‘moderates’ as right wing. Given their politics it seems accurate.
Being socialist, speaking at rallies and waving placards are all very worthwhile activities for a Labour politician. Being snide about your colleagues in the media under the cover of anonymity is Tory wool behaviour. Nick.