We are asked to focus on covid positive testing so much to drive our fear of this disease but maybe you need to report how covid tests are so inaccurate. They are pretty meaningless. Also best to look at excess figures of hospitalisations and deaths overall compared to previous years as we may see some flu cases getting reported this year as covid. Ivor Cummins analysis is good at explaining this.

Good luck with your venture!

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You say in the post that ICU capacity is similar to last year but fail to mention that the hospital has opened up a further two ICU units to cope with demand. So that means the is more patients in these units it's just that the hospital has made more capacity for ventilator beds

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Hey Sarah - thanks for this. Do you know how much the ICU capacity has increased by? In Greater Manchester it's only gone up by about 30 or 40 beds across the entire region, but I don't think I've seen any data about how much the Liverpool capacity has increased by. And are you talking about ICU beds that are currently open or surge ones? Thanks

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