As usual journalism at its best factual indepth and don't just print a story they revisit it on a regular basis such as the Eldonian it gives a community a sense of hope that they are not alone and justice will prevail thanks Jack and the team

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Good to see that on at least one occasion, "Phoney" Tony's getting his nose pushed out of joint. For someone who is supposed to have left the Labour Party, he still seems to have a very undue influence, along with his Bezzie, Peter (Lord Mandleson of Rio, - a comment which once caused an MP to be, if I'm not mistaken, for refusing to retract or apologise -suspended from the commons, way back when said dynamic duo were still officially in power)

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Is Midgley a potential future leader of the Labour Party ? a future cabinet secretary ?

As Knowsley is such a safe Labour seat I hope that a person capable of the highest political office has been selected.

What is Midgley's industrial and commercial policy ?

As Knowsley has the largest concentration of industry and commerce on Merseyside the future job prospects of many Merseyside residents depends on a future Labour government policy. As a union representative Midgley is well qualified to understand both employee and employer perspectives but will that inform future government policy ?

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I believe labelling the unrest caused by the housing of migrants in a Knowsley hotel as “racial” tension is unfair to the people of Knowsley.

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